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Paragliders, the symbol of freedom in the air, can be subject to numerous breakdowns, particularly in the wing or glider. These misfortunes are often inherent to the use of the paraglider and the elements it encounters during its lifetime. However, most paraglider damage can be resolved with the right tools and materials. Find out from Adrénaline Parapente what you need to know about paraglider damage and repairs.

What is the most common type of damage to a paraglider?

During the course of its use, the wing of your paraglider may need to be repaired following certain types of damage. Most often, damage to paraglider wings is caused by rubbing and abrasion during take-off and landing. It can also be caused by prolonged exposure of the paraglider to UV light, as well as by flying accidents, particularly collisions with various objects.

Damage can also be caused by incorrect packing or by storing the paraglider in an inappropriate place. That's why you need to know how to fold your paraglider to reduce the risk of damage. The main types of damage that can affect the wing or sail of a paraglider include :

  • the appearance of areas of friction and abrasion,
  • small tears and holes,
  • UV damage such as discolouration and loss of strength,
  • structural damage such as broken flanges,
  • large tears, etc...

For each of these types of damage to the wing of your flexible glider, you need to consider a repair so that you can take to the skies with complete peace of mind. Several parameters, such as the equipment and the location of the work, generally tend to increase the cost of repairs. You can, however, repair some damage yourself, using suitable tools.

When and how to repair a paraglider?

Minor damage, such as small tears in the wing of your paraglider, can be repaired using special patches and tapes. However, for more serious damage such as breaks, detached covers, unbalanced distributions and large tears, you need to call in a competent professional.

Thanks to their experience and expertise in the field, paraglider repairers are able to deal with a wide range of problems. They mainly use vulcanised rubber and impregnated fabric to repair large tears and tangled surfaces on paraglider wings. Calling in these professionals is the best way to repair your paraglider in the right conditions and get a satisfactory result.

Often holding a CAP in equipment repair or a certificate in sports technology, these professionals bring you a higher level of satisfaction. They are fully equipped with a socket spanner, ratchet screwdriver and torque spanner, enabling them to carry out repairs efficiently.

However, if you are faced with irreparable damage, such as too great a tear, you can replace the paraglider. You should then find out how much a paraglider costs on average and compare the products on the market to choose the best value for money.

How can I prevent damage to a paraglider?

To prolong the life of your paraglider, adopt good practices when taking off and landing. You need to practise the basics to avoid snagging objects and take off or land safely. This also means avoiding rough surfaces during the flight and abrasion of the lines during take-off.

You should also find a suitable storage place and carry bag for your paraglider. This will reduce the risk of tears, discolouration of the fabric and the glider's high UV exposure. A dry storage area is generally recommended to prevent mould. To detect early signs of wear and take appropriate action at an early stage, regular inspection of your paraglider is also necessary.

Checks should be made at all points, but especially at the lines. After each use of the paraglider, clean it to avoid soiling and fold it carefully to preserve the glider. Ideally, have the kite checked by a professional every year and inspect the straps to ensure your safety.


For any paragliding enthusiast, safety is an essential point to bear in mind. To achieve this, you need to be proactive in maintaining your equipment and seek professional advice where necessary. Repair your paraglider properly in the event of damage, no matter how small, so that you can be sure of flying safely.

moutain paragliding
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